Wyndham Waters Leisure Centre

Opening Hours

Monday - Sunday 

5:00am - 10:00pm


  • Gymnasium (including a weights room and a cardio room)
  • Tennis court
  • Swimming pool
  • BBQ area
  • Steam and sauna room

Getting Access

Access to the Leisure Centre can be arranged by completing and submitting the Online Application Form below.

Once approved, you will be required to complete an On-site Induction with the Facility Manager (one-off process, takes approx. 15 min).

Note: Owners who owe any fees or charges have their access suspended until full payment is made.

Access Card

  • $55 fee
  • Provided by the Facility Manager during your on-site induction
  • Limit one access card per household, no additional cards permitted
  • Old cards can be re-programmed at no extra cost 

Lost or Misplaced Access Cards

  • Contact Quantum United Management immediately: wyndhamwaters@quantumunited.com.au
  • Previous access card will be cancelled
  • New access card will be issued upon payment of $55.00 fee

Wyndham Waters Leisure Centre Rules of Use

All users of the facility must comply with the Leisure Centre Rules or their access may be suspended or cancelled.

Gymnasium Rules of Use

  • Hours of use are 5.00am – 10.00pm Monday – Sunday.
  • Equipment must be used in a responsible and careful manner.
  • Equipment must be placed in the correct storage area on completion of the activity.
  • Members must carry a towel at all times and wipe down equipment after use.
  • Appropriate attire and suitable footwear must be worn at all times.
  • Personal Items (e.g. bags, keys, papers) are to be stored in the lockers provided and may not be brought in the gymnasium.
  • Lockers are to be used only while the Member is in the gymnasium.
  • Lockers are to be cleared when the member leaves the gymnasium.
  • Members are to report to the Recreation Centre Manager if they feel unwell.
  • Residents Guests must be accompanied by a Member at all times.
  • Personal trainers must be approved and registered with the Facility Manager.

Not Permitted

  • Food and alcohol
  • Glass objects, drinking glasses and sharp objects
  • Children below the age of 16
  • Smoking
  • Playing music

Wet Areas, BBQ Areas & Tennis Courts Rules of Use

  • Hours of use are between 5:00am and 10:00pm.
  • Children under the age of 16 may use the wet areas and changing rooms only if supervised by an adult Member.
  • For the hygiene of all users of the swimming pool, you must shower before using the pool.
  • All users of the swimming pool must dry off before leaving this area.
  • Footwear must be worn to and from the wet areas.
  • All users of the wet areas must ensure that appropriate attire is worn at all times (i.e. nude swimming is not permitted).
  • Tennis courts games are to be strictly conducted in one (1) hour blocks.
  • Residents Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times.

Not Permitted

  • Food and alcohol
  • Glass objects, drinking glasses and sharp objects
  • Smoking
  • Running, ball playing, noise or hazardous activities in the wet areas
  • Diving

Important: Please be aware of younger children and families using these areas and monitor language and behaviour. Any individuals not acting in an appropriate and respectful manner will be asked to leave the facilities.

Online Application Form

This form is required to be completed by residents who wish to gain access the Wyndham Waters Leisure Centre.

Once approved, the Quantum United team will be in touch with you to organise a time for the mandatory On-site Induction (one-off process, takes approx. 15 min).

  • Please be on time to your On-Site Induction, as latecomers will have to schedule another appointment
  • Please remember to bring along the original copy of your Photo ID (showing your address at Wyndham Waters) to be sighted.

Once you have lodged this form, the Lot Owner will be issued with a $55 invoice for the access card to be provided (if you don't already have one).
Payment cannot be made on-site, it must be paid using the payment methods on the bottom of the invoice.

Important: If you are renting the property (or a household member not on the lease), you must upload one of the following documents when submitting the application:

  • Rental Agreement 
  • Utility bill showing your full name and address at Wyndham Waters 

Without supporting documents to prove your residency, your access to the leisure centre cannot be processed.

If you are not the Lot Owner, please attach an image of your rental agreement or utility bill showing your full name and Wyndham Waters address